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An Introduction to Archival Productions

Computer restoration of antique images has been an interest of mine since the late 1990's. Photoshop and Acrobat capabilities inspired me to create pictorial eBooks, despite the strong bias of e-publishing toward e-readers. The dedicated e-readers offered a really cheap (and convenient) way to increase personal and educational libraries. In the same years the eBook readers and programs were struggling to find a market, book stores were selling huge numbers of pictorial or "coffee table" books.

There was a parallel evolution in the first years of this Century for human beings to become increasingly visual oriented by television, social media and cinema. So, it seemed logical to move the pictorial books to the new electronic book realm where a page of color didn't cost anything. But, in the battle to win over the public to e-readers, pictorial books were completely ignored. More than a decade later the other eBook formats (other than Acrobat pdf) finally tried to modify and expand their pictorial applications. These reader alternative apps really don't work well for serious pictorial books.. except perhaps young children's story books.

So, after years of experimentation, I've committed to offering pdf eBooks only. Which is marketing suicide but really the only way to present my heavily illustrated eBooks correctly.

Recent evolution in color printing now allows me to adapt my eBooks to Print by condensing the content somewhat and re-composing for Print. The results are fantastic.

Archival Productions can now offer many books in print form as well as eBooks. " The coffee-table book re-imagined"